Tagged with outside

our morning walk

our morning walk

Financial anxieties aside, working part-time has been life-changing for me. Granted, part of the dramatic change was leaving my awful full-time job. But even more than that, the extra time with my boy has been transformative. I am a happier, lighter, sunnier version of myself. The anxiety and fear that has been my near-constant companion … Continue reading

another reason to stay on the couch

Day 1: Outside Hello August! Can’t believe you’re here, but I’m awfully glad, because we’re that much closer to October. Ahhhhh, the magical month of October. Let it be here soon. Today it was 99 degrees here. Sure, it’s better than 105. But it’s still miserable. I know it’s sacrilege to speak harshly of summer. … Continue reading

sunshine dreams

For today’s assignment (window): the boogie trifecta, in a rare group shot. They love being outside.  Our last apartment had a fenced in cement patio, and it was boogie heaven. Genevieve rolled around on the concrete, Mooster ate copious amounts of grass, and Bella just bounced around with sheer joy (the fresh air goes right … Continue reading