pudding power

pudding power

Hey-o, friends. Just checking in to share a helpful pudding public service announcement. Just in case you ever wondered what happens when you give in to a one-year-old’s demands to hold his own spoon and eat his pudding himself. First, there is wide-eyed innocence. This is the face of a child who cannot fathom how … Continue reading

our morning walk

our morning walk

Financial anxieties aside, working part-time has been life-changing for me. Granted, part of the dramatic change was leaving my awful full-time job. But even more than that, the extra time with my boy has been transformative. I am a happier, lighter, sunnier version of myself. The anxiety and fear that has been my near-constant companion … Continue reading

the best year of my life

the best year of my life

I was not one of those people who always assumed they would have kids. I mean, when I was younger, I loved my big family and figured I would have a big family, too. But then I went to college and I fell in love with learning. And I chased that dream for more than … Continue reading

between raindrops

between raindrops

Today was mostly rainy and grey, but we headed out to the local garden center’s spring open house. Last summer, we stumbled upon the most amazing garden center just a few miles from our house. Although finding Ted Lare was a happy accident, it quickly became our favorite place for plants, rocks, fun garden art, … Continue reading

signs of life

signs of life

Let’s ignore the serious lack of life on this blog (ahem) and focus on the loveliness outside. Tonight after I put Bubba to bed, I ventured out with my camera to capture spring at my house. This is only our second spring in this house, and last year things were buried under years of neglect … Continue reading

so much for week three

so much for week three

Ever want to lose an entire week of your life? Spend some time with a sick baby. Ugh. Bubba is currently on his second round of meds for his sixth ear infection in as many months. The soonest the ENT could get us in to talk tubes was two weeks from now. Ugh. So, yeah. … Continue reading

march 15: small

march 15: small

Tater may be small, but girlfriend is mighty. And naughty. Good grief, is she naughty. And not just regular toddler naughty. Like super mega you’re kidding right naughty. But so dang cute that you can’t help but laugh, even when you know you shouldn’t.

march 14: favorite

march 14: favorite

I love all of my nieces and nephews, but Miss Moo will forever hold a special place in my heart. I drove all day just to hold her in my arms on the day she was born. And now she’s, like, all grown up. And sassy. And smart. She’s a keeper. I just went to … Continue reading

march 13: color

march 13: color

Bubba spent a ton of time outside this weekend, and all of those sunshine naps gave him just a little bit of color on his cheeks. I also got some color, bringing out my summer freckles. I hope he has freckles. Too soon to tell.

march 12: details

march 12: details

This is Bert, one of my parents’ kitties. I love the details of his tabby coat–the swirls and strips and pattern remind me so much of my sweet Papa. Bertie has a great story. My parents’ house backs up to fields and flood plains and a creek (which we pronounce “crik”). Every so often, wild … Continue reading